The document module

This module provides functions for working with documents. Most of the module-level functions are used for creating instances of the Document object.


Finds a document with the given filename from the open documents.

Parameters:filename – Filename of Document to find.
Returns:A Document instance for the found document or None.

Gets the currently active document.

Returns:A Document instance for the currently active document or None if no documents are open.

Gets a document based on it’s gtk.Notebook page number.

Parameters:page_num – The tab number of the document in the documents notebook.
Returns:A Document instance for the corresponding document or None if no document matched.

Gets a document based on its index in Geany’s documents array.

Parameters:index – The index of the document in Geany’s documents array.
Returns:A Document instance for the corresponding document or None if not document matched, or the document that matched isn’t valid.
document.new_file([filename=None[, filetype=None[, text=None]]])

Creates a document file.

  • filename – The documents filename, or None for untitled.
  • filetype – The documents filetype or None to auto-detect it from filename (if it’s not None)
  • text – Initial text to put in the new document or None to leave it blank

A Document instance for the new document.

document.open_file(filename[, read_only=False[, filetype=None[, forced_enc=None]]])

Open an existing document file.

  • filename – Filename of the document to open.
  • read_only – Whether to open the document in read-only mode.
  • filetype – Filetype to open the document as or None to detect it automatically.
  • forced_enc – The file encoding to use or None to auto-detect it.

A Document instance for the opened document or None if it couldn’t be opened.

document.open_files(filenames, read_only=False, filetype="", forced_enc="")

Open multiple files. This actually calls open_file() once for each filename in filenames.

  • filenames – List of filenames to open.
  • read_only – Whether to open the document in read-only mode.
  • filetype – Filetype to open the document as or None to detect it automatically.
  • forced_enc – The file encoding to use or None to auto-detect it.

Remove a document from the documents array based on it’s page number in the documents notebook.

Parameters:page_num – The tab number of the document in the documents notebook.
Returns:True if the document was actually removed or False otherwise.

Get a list of open documents.

Returns:A list of Document instances, one for each open document.

Document Objects

class document.Document

The main class holding information about a specific document. Unless otherwise noted, the attributes are read-only properties.


The last part of the filename for this document, possibly truncated to a maximum length in case the filename is very long.


The page number in the gtk.Notebook containing documents.


Gets the status color of the document, or None if the default widget coloring should be used. The color is red if the document has changes, green if it’s read-only or None if the document is unmodified but writable. The value is a tuple of the RGB values for red, green, and blue respectively.


The encoding of this document. Must be a valid string representation of an encoding. This property is read-write.


The file type of this document as a Filetype instance. This property is read-write.


Whether this document’s text has been changed since it was last saved.


The file name of this document.


Indicates whether the document’s file has a byte-order-mark.


Indicates whether this document supports source code symbols (tags) to show in the sidebar.


Index of the document in Geany’s documents array.


Indicates whether this document is active and all properties are set correctly.


Whether the document is in read-only mode.


The link-dereferenced, locale-encoded file name for this document.


The Editor instance associated with this document.


Close this document.

Returns:True if the document was closed, False otherwise.

Reloads this document.

Parameters:forced_enc – The encoding to use when reloading this document or None to auto-detect it.
Returns:True if the document was actually reloaded or False otherwise.

Rename this document to a new file name. Only the file on disk is actually renamed, you still have to call save_as() to change the document object. It also stops monitoring for file changes to prevent receiving too many file change events while renaming. File monitoring is setup again in save_as().

Parameters:new_filename – The new filename to rename to.

Saves this documents file on disk.

Saving may include replacing tabs by spaces, stripping trailing spaces and adding a final new line at the end of the file, depending on user preferences. Then, the document-before-save signal is emitted, allowing plugins to modify the document before it’s saved, and the data is actually written to disk. The file type is set again or auto-detected if it wasn’t set yet. Afterwards, the document-save signal is emitted for plugins. If the file is not modified, this method does nothing unless force is set to True.

Note: You should ensure that file_name is not None before calling this; otherwise call dialogs.show_save_as().

Parameters:force – Whether to save the document even if it’s not modified.
Returns:True if the file was saved or False if the file could not or should not be saved.

Saves the document with a new filename, detecting the filetype.

Parameters:new_filename – The new filename.
Returns:True if the file was saved or False if it could not be saved.